12% Payout

Every 12 Months


Minimum Investment

100% Passive Income from Tax Liens

The C.O.R.E. FUND Is Fully Collateralized By Real Estate

We are committed to providing you with a transparent and rewarding investment experience. We believe in making investment opportunities accessible to a wide range of individuals. Here are the key details you need to know before you invest with us.

What Is A Tax Lien?

A tax lien is a legal claim against someone's property or assets when they don't pay the taxes they owe to the government.

What Is Core Fund II?

The C.O.R.E. FUND II program offers a 12% return every year for 3 years by participating in aggressive tax deed purchases of large amounts of real estate, which are then sold at wholesale value.

How It Works

Pool Your Investment

Join our community of investors looking to secure distressed real estate properties encumbered by unpaid taxes.

Target Distressed Properties

We prioritize properties with significant potential for value appreciation and sound investment prospects.


Invest as little as $2500 with us

Passive Investment

Relax and Enjoy the benefits of real estate investment.

Learn More and Download Our Pitch Deck

We're excited to share our vision and insights with you. If you're interested in diving deeper into our business and learning more about our plans, we invite you to download our pitch deck.

Start Your Journey A For Better Financial Future

Our mission is to empower people to take control of their financial futures, and tax deed investing is a proven pathway to reach this goal.

Quick Links

CORE FUND II LLC is a proud member of the National Tax Lien Association


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